Ava pastel hand tied bouquet


Hand tied bouquet of pastel toned seasonal flowers, such as lemon roses, lilac stocks, limonium, dianthus and frilly lisianthus together with a variety of foliage and eucalyptus. The bouquet is wrapped in complimentary tissue and wrap and presented in a gift box. As this arrangement will be a hand-tied style it will be suitable to go straight into a vase and comes in a water bubble too.

See our full range of hand tied bouquets here

Local delivery: Delivery will be available Monday to Saturday.  Local delivery will be available to the following postcodes only: CF3, CF5, CF10, CF11, CF14, CF15, CF23, CF24, CF62, CF63, CF64

Nationwide delivery available only on Chocolates, Dried Flowers, Grow bars, Seedboms, Candles, Wreaths and Wreath kits. Not on fresh flowers.

Visit our Instagram page@Secretgardencardiff

Flower care: To keep your fresh flowers looking fresh we recommend changing the water every other day and using the flower food provided. Snip a small amount of the stem off when you refresh the water. Keep away from heat sources or direct sunlight.

Why not add some Cocoba chocolates or a hand poured artisan candle to complete the gift?

**Please note that due to seasonal availability some flowers may be substituted to compliment the arrangement.

***We need 2 days advance ordering for this design.


Hand tied bouquet of pastel toned seasonal flowers, such as lemon roses, lilac stocks, limonium, dianthus and frilly lisianthus together with a variety of foliage and eucalyptus. The bouquet is wrapped in complimentary tissue and wrap and presented in a gift box. As this arrangement will be a hand-tied style it will be suitable to go straight into a vase and comes in a water bubble too.

See our full range of hand tied bouquets here

Local delivery: Delivery will be available Monday to Saturday.  Local delivery will be available to the following postcodes only: CF3, CF5, CF10, CF11, CF14, CF15, CF23, CF24, CF62, CF63, CF64

Nationwide delivery available only on Chocolates, Dried Flowers, Grow bars, Seedboms, Candles, Wreaths and Wreath kits. Not on fresh flowers.

Visit our Instagram page@Secretgardencardiff

Flower care: To keep your fresh flowers looking fresh we recommend changing the water every other day and using the flower food provided. Snip a small amount of the stem off when you refresh the water. Keep away from heat sources or direct sunlight.

Why not add some Cocoba chocolates or a hand poured artisan candle to complete the gift?

**Please note that due to seasonal availability some flowers may be substituted to compliment the arrangement.

***We need 2 days advance ordering for this design.

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